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And "veggea" means...?

I don't think "veggea" is a real word. Okay, okay, it's definitely not. But it makes sense to me. It came about something like this:


I want to go vegan this year. And sooner rather than later, thankyouverymuch. After years of on-and-off vegetarianism, I feel like I'm ready and capable to make this commitment now, and I think sharing it with other people who know what I'm going through will help me stick to it.

So, part of going vegan is exploring the wide world of fruits and veggies that many omnivores never realize - hence the "pangea" part. And, so, in my own dorky way, it works.

Here's to hoping that I can keep up with this thing better than I have previous blogging projects! ;)


Hi Lena! Congrats on your decision to go vegan--that's great! And I think I get what you mean by "veggea"--I have found that as a vegan, my food spectrum has broadened widely and I have an increased appreciation for all the wonderful cuisines and edibles that all those "meat and potatoes" people seem to miss out on! I look forward to checking back with your blog and seeing how your adventure goes.


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