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For lunch, I had some delicious vegan chili at Old City Java for lunch today. It was super vegetable-packed, had two kinds of bean, and the TVP was a nice touch on the consistency end. I could've used a little more spice, but I like my chili hot. It was an awesome deal for $2.95, too. I didn't think I'd like the shredded carrots and zucchini that they put in it, but you could hardly taste their distinct flavors. I think I'll be heading back there again soon!

Later, I went today to pick up some non-pantry food and...it was interesting. I felt pretty lost and out of place - I'm used to being able to go in, grab some Lean Cuisine, and hit the road. Our local Kroger is very vegan/vegetarian friendly, so there were quite a bit there, but I guess it'll just take me a while to retrain how I grocery shop. Between Kroger and the Fresh Market, I picked up some various and sundry meal components, but I'm not quite sure how they'll all come together into actual FOOD.

I was trying to be very price conscious, so I didn't buy any of the VERY over-priced (to me) frozen vegan foods. $6 for a vegan burrito? You have to be kidding. I bought tofu (firm), flax seeds, and almond milk for the first time, and I have pasta, rice, beans, vegan pasta sauce, things of that nature. Neither of the stores we went to had an nutritional yeast. I unfortunately didn't buy a lot of veggies, because I wasn't sure what I'd be making, and I didn't want to waste any of my little bit of money on veggies that I might not use. So I think tonight I'll try to plan some menus for the next week and see how that goes. It reminds me that I still want to buy The Student's Go Vegan Cookbook by Carole Raymond.

I'm starting to think it'll be a lot easier on me in the long run if I start lacto-ovo vegetarian for a couple of months and then move to veganism, just to get my vegetable-legs back. It was pretty frustrating today to try to find a loaf of bread without whey! It didn't help that the boyfriend was with me and hates shopping, so his antsiness was making me on edge, too.

In other foodie news, I'm getting a food processor! Yay! This is the one, in Empire Red. It's really awesome because, first, that's an amazing price. And, two, it comes with two bowls - a 7 cup for regular cooking and a 3 cup for small chopping. Oh, happy day! I hope to join it with an artisan standmixer soon! Be still my beating heart!


Sounds like you're really getting into it. That was a great game last night. I like to tell Sean, the Gators did what Michigan couldn't do. LOL! He doesn't like that so much.

You can get nutritional yeast in the bulk section of the co-op or Earth Fare. If you need help figuring out where to get stuff, let me know. I'd be glad to help.

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